Saturday, December 14, 2013

Love is difficult to find

A lot of people at this point of the year would like to seek that special someone to be with. For me, it's always been's like a glass ceiling that is actually made of metal and you can't even break through.

For many, it is easy and still easy to get a significant other for themselves while others like myself are still wanting that special someone to have to care for. I can admit myself that I feel a bit of jealousy looking at some of my friends who are already married, or are having a boyfriend/girlfriend that I myself would like to know what it feels like.

Being single for my entire life, I start to learn why I have been single up to this point. When I have been shy for most of my life not wondering what to say to others how I think, how I feel, or how I live, you think what others may think about you.

Having a relationship with someone is the most happiest feeling that anyone would be blessed to have. To have that feeling of love, company, and trust with one another is what anyone would enjoy no matter how old or young you are.

I do not think that any one person should continue to live single as long as I have...those people should have a significant other to care for. They deserve to have that one moment in their lives that make them feel that happiness with another person.

However, it is quite difficult to find these days when you try to be as nice and courteous as you can like I have and not get that happy moment with someone else as much as you would have envisioned it.

I would hope that this would not continue for myself and I would like to have a relationship with someone as should any other single person out there. They should enjoy life with any other person as much as they like to be happy.